Real Financial Professionals Blog

Real Financial Professionals connects consumers with investment professionals who have made a commitment to low-expense investing.

To qualify for a listing on RealFinancialProfessionals, advisors must be enrolled in a professional education program about low expense investing and financial planning.

Monthly classes are taught by independent thought leaders who have helped establish best practices for investment management and financial planning fiduciaries for over three decades: economist Fritz Meyer, portfolio design expert Dr Craig Israelsen, and tax and financial planning educator Robert Keebler, CPA/PFS.

RealFinancialProfessionals brings transparency to the opaque financial services industry by verifying an advisor’s subscription to continuing education about low-expense investing, quantitative analysis of economic fundamentals, and tax and financial planning.

Teams Supported On Portal Platform

 If you work with estate planning attorneys, tax specialists, and other allied professionals, we've added a valuable new feature to our Personal Client Portal (PCP) platform to support your practice. 


The PCP platform offers you a To-Do Manager so you can assign action items to your clients—such as "Send in your account form," "Schedule a review," or "Get your will written." You have a dashboard where you can see all of your clients' to-dos and assign one or all of your clients a new to-do. For more details, see my previous post.


We've now added a feature letting you permission other professionals so that they can give your client (or clients) to-dos. This feature puts you in the central role in advising the client. You're quarterbacking the work of all professionals on behalf of a high-net-worth individual.


With this new feature, the To-Do Manager, which comes free with all Personal Client Portals, now lets you assign to-dos to the other professionals and vice versa. The client sees all the to-dos and can comment on them. All comments associated with each to-do are viewable to you, the other professionals, and the client as a discussion thread. Whenever a new to-do is posted, you and your client receive an email notification.


Another new feature is that clients can now also send you to-dos. They can also send to-dos to the other professionals on the system. This feature can be disabled by you, if you do not wish to allow clients and other professionals to send you to-dos.


Allowing you to send to-dos to clients and other advisors, and vice versa, supports transparency in client relationships and, thus, builds trust. It is consistent with the Web 2.0 customer-service trend being adopted throughout the economy. No other technology provider offers such a system at this time.


This innovative new feature will let you provide superior client service, and is a differentiator that can be used by your firm when marketing to prospects. It will allow you to grow your business by increasing your firm's efficiency and scalability.


We've made support for professional teams an important aspect of our Personal Client Portal platform because we recognize that independent advisors must rely on a network of allied professionals to serve high-net-worth individuals. Being able to easily coordinate with your clients' other professionals puts you on equal footing with private banks, trust companies, and large institutions. Moreover, coordinating a group of professionals is a critical but often unheralded behind-the-scenes role of a financial advisor. So displaying your contribution in this role shows a client how you are central to his success. Other parts of our PCP platform will also similarly promote professional teamwork.


To-Do Manager is being integrated with other professional applications, including Redtail, the industry's largest CRM application, and Money Tree Silver Online, an easy-to-use planning application.


Check back here soon for more details about how our Personal Client Portal platform is changing the business of professional financial advisors and will transform the way you practice.

New Blog Service Launched