Real Financial Professionals Blog

Real Financial Professionals connects consumers with investment professionals who have made a commitment to low-expense investing.

To qualify for a listing on RealFinancialProfessionals, advisors must be enrolled in a professional education program about low expense investing and financial planning.

Monthly classes are taught by independent thought leaders who have helped establish best practices for investment management and financial planning fiduciaries for over three decades: economist Fritz Meyer, portfolio design expert Dr Craig Israelsen, and tax and financial planning educator Robert Keebler, CPA/PFS.

RealFinancialProfessionals brings transparency to the opaque financial services industry by verifying an advisor’s subscription to continuing education about low-expense investing, quantitative analysis of economic fundamentals, and tax and financial planning.

The Best Advisor Videos In The Financial Services Industry

Advisor videos we're offering are totally different from anything else in the industry. Look at the 35-second video below, which is one of the 15 new FINRA-reviewed videos made available recently.

Making a video is hard, time-consuming and can be expensive. I've seen advisors more than once who are smart, articulate, and animated get in front of a camera and freeze.

Being your own spokesperson is not for everyone, especially if you're a little overweight, would prefer to avoid public speaking, or don't have a budget to hire a camera crew to come into your office with lighting, video, and audio equipment and later edit the footage they record into compliant sound bytes investors will want to see.

Then there is the content. What are you going to say? It took me years to learn that all videos need scripts, even if you know your material inside out. And how do you avoid saying something regulators won't like? Even more difficult, is regularly producing content that is accurate, entertaining, and valuable enough that smart, wealthy individuals will want to view it. Most "canned" advisor videos tell investors things they already know or don't care about.

Advisor Products now has a solution that solves all of those problems. That's not hype. It's been in the works for months and we've nailed it now. It is great!

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