David Lucs, a project manager here at Advisor Products, has worked with scores of advisors over the past two years to help build their websites. David cares deeply about our clients and wants Advisor Products to be great. He’s great. In talking with him recently about the challenges of his job, he told me that one of the most difficult areas advisors struggle with is organizing the marketing content on their sites. So David and I wrote this post together about how advisors can organize their website marketing copy. We’ll collaborate again soon on some other areas that can help you in building your site. Home Page Text. Two or three short paragraphs on your home page should present your services, ideal clients, and why people should trust you to manage their money. Add a link in the text where people can get more in-depth information about your services. Detailing Your Services. Use the “Services” page to define your services in detail. Start with a one-paragraph summary about your firm’s overall client experience and all its services. Follow that information with a paragraph about each of your specific services.
·Use bold text lead-in text to make it easy for a reader to skim and find the service in which he or she is most interested.
· Add links so a prospect can drill down to more specific information about each service.
· Workflow diagrams that accompany descriptions about your services are vital. Use a tool like SlickPlan to create a graphic depicting your process for personalizing portfolios, for example.